7th Annual Mini & Minimini Cadets Table Tennis Competition
Event information
Date: 10 - 12 March 2017
Venue: Slovakia, Malacky, Sporthall Malina (30 km from Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia)
Tournament director: Mr. Jaromír Truksa
Referee: Mr. Jaroslav Freund
Events: Mini cadet - born after 1.1.2004
Mini mini cadet - born after 1.1.2006
Mini mini cadet boy´s teams / Mini mini cadet girl´s teams
Mini mini cadet boy´s singles / Mini mini cadet girl´s singles
Mini mini cadet boy´s doubles / Mini mini cadet girl´s doubles
Mini cadet boy´s team / Mini cadet girl´s team
Mini cadet boy´s singles / Mini cadet girl´s singles
Mini cadet boy´s doubles / Mini cadet girl´s doubles
The competition is open for entry
of all National Associations, Regional
Delegations and Clubs.
Preliminary Schedule:
Thursday, 09 March 2017 Accreditation
Friday, 10 March 2017 Team events
Saturday, 11 March 2017 Individual events, Final of Team Events
Sunday, 12 March 2017 Individual events
Draw: 1st draw will be held on 08 March 2017
Playing system, equipment:
Team events will be played in two stages, groups in the first stage and KO system in the second stage.
Team format A-X, B-Y, double, A-Y, B-X (minimum 2 players).
Single events will be played in two stages, groups in the first stage and KO system in the second stage.
All matches will be played as best 3 of 5 sets.
Tables: Butterfly, DHS, Joola
Balls: Plastic cellfree BTY G40+ ***
Floor: Wooden parquet in the main Hall, Taraflex in the "B" Hall
Closing date for entries: 21 February 2017
send your entries to: malackyopen2017@gmail.com
Phone - mobile: +421 903 403 102
(Mr. Truksa)
In your entry please state the date of birth (year, month, day) of each player and also give your travel schedule.
Hospitality and entry fee:
Option 1:
Hotel Atrium (limited capacity) or other hotels, is provided from the dinner on 09 March 2017 (Thursday) until lunch on 12 March 2017 (Sunday).
70 EUR/person/day in double room and 85 EUR/person/day in single room - minimum length of stay 2 days. The entry fee and accommodation with full board is included.
Option 2:
The entry fee without accommodation and full board for all events is fixed to 95 EUR for players and 15 EUR for coaches and staff.
Option 3:
The entry fee without accommodation and full board only for individual or team events is fixed to 65 EUR for players and 15 EUR for coaches and staff.
Payment and prepayment:
1. Payments should be made as follows:
Name of organisation: MSK Malacky - Mestský stolnotenisový klub Malacky
Bank name: TATRA BANKA a.s.
Account name: MSK Malacky - Mestský stolnotenisový klub Malacky
IBAN: SK36 1100 0000 0029 4302 5640
Specification of Payment: Slovak Open Malacky 2017 + your country abbreviation2. Cash upon your arrival
The organizer provides the transport:
from Bratislava airport to the venue and back charging 15 EUR per person
from Vienna airport to the venue and back charging 20 EUR per person
Swimming pool:
Swimming pool is FREE for all participants, so don't forget your swimming suit!
Jaromír Truksa m.p. Jaroslav Freund m.p.
Tournament director Referee